1. Have you heard the news/the news of the gospel?
There’s news not often heard/the gospel’s full
2. The gospel sounds good/but not the whole story.
Good news points to the bad/bad news of the gospel.
3. Have you heard bad news/in news of the gospel?
This news not often heard/the gospel’s whole story.
4. No news is good news/until heard with the bad.
The bad needs to be changed/for the gospel to be
for the gospel to be whole.
5. Do you see this news/declared in the gospel?
Bad news is given hope/now by the whole gospel.
6. The news that brings change/the complete gospel
is the news to be claimed/to embrace the whole
7. Now the news is told/Do you hear gospel?
It’s the story of bad/in us made new and whole.
8. This is the only news/that makes it the gospel.
It’s called the ‘New Song’ News/the new of the whole
9. Have you heard the news/news of the whole
Without the new there is/no claim to the gospel.
10. Claim the ‘New Song’ News/the news of complete
The only whole gospel/composed by the new covenant,
/made by the new creation,
/made by the new creation. Oo…oo...oo!
11. Sing the ‘New Song’ News/the news of us made
The new now made complete/defined by the new wine
/determined by the new self. The new self!
12. Declaring the truth/of the whole of God
His righteousness revealed/His salvation now
13. Proclaiming ‘New Song’/our ‘New Song’ gospel
For all to see the whole/the gospel in us made new!
New! New!
Yes, the ‘New Song’ News!
O, O ‘New Song’ News!
O, O, O New Song
New Song, New Song, New Song!
(slow) Thank You, You, You!
(slower) Father, Son, Spirit!
(slowest) Thank Yoooouuu!