4 X 12  
  Christ’s  Disciples  



Journal for

Whole Theology and Practice
           (formerly   DISCiple ministries)


DISCiple   Explained

Since discipleship is not optional for Christ's followers, WTP takes his call to heart and rigorously addresses the issue of discipleship so often lacking in our Christian practice, both individually and corporately.

The acronym DISCiple reflects our focus (as Christ commissioned in Matthew 28:19) and our commitment (as Paul defined in Ephesians 4).

D  -- Discipleship: the intimate relationship process of following the person of Christ in the relational progression to the Father, and not living merely by his teachings, principles and example.

I -- Integrates: the relational process of intimately uniting the individual and corporate aspects of relationship in God's design and purpose.

S  -- Spirituality: ongoing intimate relationship with God in which our heart is opened to God's heart, thus deeply experiencing God more and more.

C -- Community: discipleship is not about "me"; though the individual is important, individualism has no place in God's design and purpose. The Father's whole plan focuses on his family (community) and restoring persons to it through family love (as Christ fulfilled in the relational progression).


I  -- intimate: intimate relationships are "hearts coming together" as Jesus vulnerably incarnated.

P -- persons: importance of the whole person gives priority to the inner person (heart) over the outer person. When we practice an outer-in approach, it is usually to the exclusion of our heart, thus redefining our person more by what we do and have.

L -- lovingly: love (agape) is not about what to do but about how to be involved in relationships. It is the most important relational quality to be exercised and experienced.

E -- equalized: Christ came to equalize us such that there are no longer any false relational distinctions between us; the only valid distinction is with God.


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Protest Study

Jesus' Gospel Protest, Voicing His Whole Gospel: the Bias, Naiveté or Integrity of Proclaiming the Gospel



The Human Condition Study

Learning the A,B,C&Ds of the Human Condition:
An Education often Misplaced, Misinterpreted or Misinformed



Jesus' Feelings Study

The Feelings of

Jesus' Heart:
His Whole Person's Affective Narrative



Issues Study

Inescapable Issues

Accountable in

All Christians:

Integral Theology & Practice for Viable Faith in Everyday Life



Diversity Study

The Diversity of

the Integral Gospel:

Repurposing Diversity

to Re-image

the Global Church



Political Theology Study

The Human Order of Creation and Its Political Theology
for the New Creation:

Distinguishing God's Integral Way of Life




What's Next? A New Future or Repeating the Past



Where Is God in the

Human Drama Today?



Digging into the

Roots of Racism for New Justice to Emerge



Diagnosing the Underlying Pandemic in Our Human Condition


More studies



Study on Music-like Theology:

The Essential Dimension & Quality for Theology & Practice: Discovering the Function of Music as Basic to Significance in Life



Bible Hermeneutics Study

Interpretation Integrated in 'the Whole-ly Way': The Integral Education & Learning of Knowing & Understanding God



Gender Equation Study

The Gender Equation in Human Identity & Function: Examining Our Theology & Practice, & Their Essential Equation


Justice Study

Jesus' Gospel of Essential Justice: The Human Order from Creation through Complete Salvation


Whole-ly Disciples Study

The Disciples of Whole Theology & Practice: Following the Diversity of Reformation or the Wholeness of Transformation


Trinity Study

The Face of the Trinity: The Trinitarian Essential for the Whole of God and Life


Uncommon Worship Study

Worshiping God in Likeness of the Trinity: Not Determined 'in their way'


Global Church Study

The Global Church Engaging the Nature of Sin and the Human Condition: Reflecting, Reinforcing, Sustaining, or Transforming


Worship Study

Embodying New the Worship Relationship: Whole Theology & Practice Required


Transformation Study

The Gospel of Transformation: Distinguishing the Discipleship & Ecclesiology Integral to Salvation


Theological Anthropology Study

The Person in Complete Context: The Whole of Theological Anthropology Distinguished


Theology Study:

"Did God Really Say That?" Theology in the Age of Reductionism


Worship Language Study

Hermeneutic of Worship Language: Understanding Communion with the Whole of God


Integration Study

Jesus into Paul: Embodying the Theology and Hermeneutic of the Whole Gospel


Theology of Worship:

'Singing a New Song to the Lord


Paul Study:
The Whole of Paul & the Whole in

His Theology

Christology Study

Sanctified Christology

Wholeness Study

The Person, the Trinity, the Church 


Essay on Wholeness

Journey to Wholeness in Christ


Discipleship Study
The Relational Progression

Spirituality Study
Following Jesus, Knowing Christ

(with study guide)


Essay on Spirituality
"Listen to My Son"


Worship Perspectives


Worship Songs


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DISCiple Explained


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