Journal for
Whole Theology
Practice |
Since discipleship is not optional for Christ's followers, WTP takes his call to heart and rigorously addresses the issue of discipleship so often lacking in our Christian practice, both individually and corporately.The acronym DISCiple reflects our focus (as Christ commissioned in Matthew 28:19) and our commitment (as Paul defined in Ephesians 4).D -- Discipleship: the intimate relationship process of following the person of Christ in the relational progression to the Father, and not living merely by his teachings, principles and example. I -- Integrates: the relational process of intimately uniting the individual and corporate aspects of relationship in God's design and purpose. S -- Spirituality: ongoing intimate relationship with God in which our heart is opened to God's heart, thus deeply experiencing God more and more. C -- Community: discipleship is not about "me"; though the individual is important, individualism has no place in God's design and purpose. The Father's whole plan focuses on his family (community) and restoring persons to it through family love (as Christ fulfilled in the relational progression).
I -- intimate: intimate relationships are "hearts coming together" as Jesus vulnerably incarnated. P -- persons: importance of the whole person gives priority to the inner person (heart) over the outer person. When we practice an outer-in approach, it is usually to the exclusion of our heart, thus redefining our person more by what we do and have. L -- lovingly: love (agape) is not about what to do but about how to be involved in relationships. It is the most important relational quality to be exercised and experienced. E -- equalized: Christ came to equalize us such that there are no longer any false relational distinctions between us; the only valid distinction is with God.