Worship songs & related songs
Worship song for 2025: "Bring Justice to Victory"
All worship songs:
This page will periodically feature new worship songs of praise, thanksgiving, love, delight in God (as Father, Son and Holy Spirit) — songs to sing from the heart — and other related songs.
Whatever type of music you use for worship, be sure that it has relational clarity: Low-key music should not dampen but deepen our thoughts and feelings to more intimate connections with God. Upbeat music should not deaden (numb with sensory stimulation) but enliven by stirring our hearts to open to the heart of God.
Songs for His glory! Jesus promised not to leave his disciples alone as orphans, and so the Spirit was sent as his relational replacement to be with us forever (Jn 14:16-18). Therefore, the whole of God--Father, Son, and Spirit—is ongoingly present and involved with us as family (v.23). Yet, to experience being family together cannot happen with only God's intimate involvement, as if in a unilateral relationship; God's family requires the compatible relational response of our whole person, vulnerably from inner out, to the whole of God who is vulnerably involved with us for face-to-face, heart-to-heart relationship (Mt 15:8-9; Rom 8:15-16). Worship is our reciprocal relational response with nothing less and no substitutes. We hope all the songs here encourage you to worship the whole of God as the Father's daughters and sons, with Jesus, in the Spirit—intimately involved with God in likeness of how God is with us! And may God be blessed by your whole reciprocal relational response. X Listen to this song's melody
Mt 12:18-20; Jn 3:16; Ps 85:10; Is 28:17 Printable guitar chords in pdf
© 2025 T. Dave Matsuo and Kary A. Kambara